Rumored Secret in Man’s Backyard – See What he Found

Rumored Secret in Man’s Backyard – See What he Found

Rumored Secret in Man's Backyard - See What he Found

Photo: john sims

Unless you built your home, you could end up surprised by additions made by the previous owner(s). That’s what happened to an Arizona man after purchasing his current home. There were rumors that something “hatch like” was buried in his backyard. So as with any good homeowner he began investigating and found that there were records indicating that a swimming pool company had built something in his backyard… but there was no pool!

Further investigation in the form of digging got underway. You can see what he found and what he plans to do with it at the featured link below from Off Grid Quest

Arizona Man Finds Cold-War Fallout Shelter Hidden Underneath His Backyard


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