Things Our Grandparents Did When “Green” Was Just A Color

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17 Things Our Grandparents Did When “Green” Was Just A Color

 17 Things Our Grandparents Did When “Green” Was Just A Color


Back when our grandparents were the generation of the day, things just got done! There weren’t the distractions of technology everywhere all the time back then.  People were extremely resourceful and self-sufficient, and self-reliant. The attitude was more of “If I don’t do it, it’s not going to get done” rather than “That’s not my job” Daily survival was everyone’s job and responsibility. Green was a way of life.

In our featured article from One Good Thing by Jilliee she talks about 17 things done by our grandparents and for some of us who are a bit older our own parents did that can help you too become self-sufficient. Saving you time, money and stress, never mind help the planet. An interesting read, see it linked below

17 Things Our Grandparents Did When “Green” Was Just A Color

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