Tips & Tricks for DIY Home Security Systems

Tips & Tricks for DIY Home Security Systems

Tips & Tricks for DIY Home Security Systems

Photo: Copyright Unsplash License CCO Public Domain

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Will you like to advance your home security without having to spend each month on a professionally monitored home security system? Even though monitored home security systems are perfect, not every homeowner can afford them. If you don’t have the power to purchase a modern security system, there are some things you do to improve the security of your home.

Home with monitored security systems is less likely to be invaded into than homes with no security. For this reason, ASECURELIFE recommend that you invest in a monitored security system if you can. However, since we understand this preference isn’t for everyone, we’ve collected a list of landfills and tricks to assist you to protect your home without the need for a professional security system.
Ready! Continue reading for tips about securing your home on your own.

Convince Intruders Someone is Home

Intruders like targeting empty houses, and most break-ins tend to occur between 10.00 am to 3.00 p.m when no one is likely to be around. Persuade people with less-than-honorable intentions that your home is occupied with discouraging them from aiming your house.
There are some things you can do to make people think you’re home.

Invest in Smart Light Bulbs

Investing in smart light bulbs is one of the newest tricks every homeowner should know. With the smart bulbs on, you will turn the lights on or off even when you are away from the house or program them to a set schedule. Make sure you invest in a product that is compatible with other smart home gadgets and are equipped with helpful features.

Control Your Appliances With a Smart Plug

A smart plug works like an automated timer but with more advanced features. It can be controlled remotely while you’re away from home, or you can synchronize it with Alexa and control it with your voice. With the smart plug, you can switch your television or music on or off so it appears like someone is home.
Apart from using it make your house seem occupied, it can also be used to save energy and keep your home secure from fires. The smart plug can be used with curling irons, window air conditioners, and space heaters. In this way, if you forget to switch one off while leaving, you will switch it off remotely and get rid of fire dangers and energy wastage.

Ensure the Mail Boesn’t Pile Up

If you are planning to be away for a few days, notify the post office to stop making deliveries or request a relative or friend to check the mail when you’re away. If you have newspaper deliveries done every day, make sure you stop the deliveries to avoid having a pile of unread newspapers on your doorway. This tells intruders your house is unoccupied.

Tips & Tricks for DIY Home Security Systems

Photo: Copyright Unsplash License CCO Public Domain

Keep Your Car in the Driveway

Findings of previous intruders indicated that most of them reconsidered aiming a house if there was a vehicle visible in the driveway. Keep your vehicle in the driveway, especially if you plan to be away for many days. If you are going for a trip, request a neighbor to check in on your house once in a whole so that a vehicle is seen leaving and coming from your home.

Arrange for Lawn Care if You Be Away for More than Seven Days

An unattended lawn shows unoccupied home. Therefore, if you intend to be away for long, make plans to have your law attended and ensure other main landscaping prerequisites are addressed.

Get rid of Exterior Hiding Places

Here are some of the steps to take so that you can make it difficult for an intruder to break into your home unnoticed.
Installing Exterior Lights

Exterior lights with movement detectors will make it difficult for intruders to sneak up on your house unseen. In case they do, a light abruptly switching on might dissuade a person trying to break in your home. The lights make your backyard secure even if you are not worried about burglars since you can see where you’re stepping when coming home in the dark.

Install Outdoor Cameras

Exterior cams are a smart investment if you plan to discourage potential burglaries and thefts. As explained by Forbes, it is good to invest in a portable exterior security cam that is easy to use.

Tips & Tricks for DIY Home Security Systems

Photo: Copyright Unsplash License CCO Public Domain

Monitor and Control Your House when You are not Home

The advancement of technology has made it easy to monitor your home even if you are away.

Control who Gets into Your Home with Smart Lock

Smart locks allow you to control who gets into your house when you’re away. Make sure you invest in a smart lock that will enable you to lock and unlock your door via your smartphone, give visitors temporary access to your home, or give frequent guests recurring access.


Making sure your home is secure begins with making smart decisions and installing in a home security system is a smart move to make. Whether you have installed a security system or not, ensure you use these tips.


Source: Sam Hoffman via John Dave


Author Bio:


Sam Hoffman is a content marketing consultant who helps businesses reach the exact audience. Sam is passionate about research and analytics. He frequently writes about the latest trends in home security.



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