Why We Prepare

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Why We Prepare

Why We Prepare

Photo: amfam_louis4


Everyday someone asks a prepper, why we prepare for something that may or may not happen tomorrow? Live for today! While I agree with the live for today idea, I KNOW we must also be prepared for tomorrow and what it may bring.

If you think bad things can’t happen where you are, think again. Mother nature doesn’t know she isn’t supposed to hit where you live! She has no regard for nationality nor location. Every country in the world has had a disaster of some sort whether manmade or natural and once it’s over for some reason the following generations don’t seem to learn from it and assume it can’t or won’t happen again, never thinking that they may indeed prevent that particular scenario from repeating but can’t prevent a new threat. See why the majority of us reading this actually do prepare. The featured article is directed toward the American audience but is applicable to everyone anywhere. Know how to answer that “Why prepare” question.

This Is Why We Prepare…

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