When The Scavengers Come

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When The Scavengers Come

 When The Scavengers Come

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

In any SHTF scenario even if only regional, there is an intense strain on natural resources. This will mean without a doubt competition for those precious remaining resources.

For those who are unprepared and don’t have survival skills to live off the land this will be a very rude awaking. At first they will go to where they always expect food and water etc.. to be ie.. the markets, the restaurants, the government agencies and the like. When they are turned away empty handed they will be angry, scared, and desperate.

Are you prepared for the hoards of scavengers to be roving through your neighborhood, on your property and perhaps even violently knocking down your door looking for supplies?

Read the featured article from our friends over at onpointpreparedness.net for a really good read on this subject!

SHTF: When The Scavengers Come Out to Play

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