15 Safety Tips For Gun Owners

15 Safety Tips For Gun Owners

15 Safety Tips For Gun Owners

Photo: dakkadakka.com

As stated in the featured blog, many people are gun owners for the first time. With the turbulence around the world today as recently as a mass shooting just a few days ago. Some registered gun owners are pulling their weapon out of the gun safe for the first time in many years. Deciding now is the time to learn to use it properly and have it on hand. Concealed weapon permits are being requested at an all time high.

However, there are safety issues and responsibilities that come with gun ownership. Those are the safety tips linked below from Urban Survival Site. I do have one picky little change as I am a gun owner and that is that the first safety rule should be to always, always treat your weapon as if it were loaded. No matter how recently or carefully you unloaded it. See the tips linked below

15 Gun Safety Tips Every Gun Owner Should Know

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