5 Techniques To Stop An Attacker

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5 Techniques To Stop An Attacker

5 Techniques To Stop An Attacker

Photo from thesun.uk.co

Being skilled in a martial art or with any kind of weapon is wise and an irreplaceable skill when needed. But it isn’t always the ticket to getting out of a situation where you have been attacked by some one equally skilled in the art as you are and can predict your defensive moves.

You may not always have the weapon you have trained with in your possession at the time of the attack. Plus these thugs do not fight fair or by the rules of the martial arts or boxing etc… These attackers fight dirty and your life can depend up your being able and ready to fight back as a street fighter to protect yourself when there are no rules and surviving is the only goal.

Learn at least 5 deadly street fighting moves that can save your life in one of these scenarios.

Learn 5 Deadly Street Fighting Techniques to Drop an Attacker in Under 10 Seconds!


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