Building a Fire On Snow

Building a Fire On Snow

Building a Fire On Snow

Photo from The Survivalist

Protection from the elements is the number one priority in a crisis scenario, even above being able to find a safe water source.

During the winter months this becomes even more crucial and equally more difficult to do. The first concern of course is getting the flame to begin with. Even if you have a fire starter or the primitive skill of fire starting without the modern niceties the second issue is finding dry materials. Then the very heat that you need to survive can work against keeping your fire going. As it warms you it also warms the snow around you creating a very wet base and increasing the difficulties in keeping the fire going even with dry materials.

Outdoor Life provides us with some tips on beating the vicious cycle of a fire in the snow. Increasing your chances on staying warm drastically increasing your chances of overall survival. Learn how at the link that follows

Survival Skills: How to Build a Fire On Snow


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