Earthquake Proof your Pantry

Earthquake Proof your Pantry

earthquake proof

Photo from BBC: Grocery store after 7.7 earthquake in Chile

So you have stored enough food and supplies to get you through just about any emergency situation. Now the emergency hits, a hurricane, a tornado, an eruption, or an earthquake and all you’ve stored is now broken, smashed, and or contaminated. After making sure you were prepared you find yourself just like the hundreds of others who didn’t prepare, standing in a line waiting and hoping for help from others or the government. You have been too responsible and worked too hard to prepare for just such a situation to allow that to happen to your preps! Earthquake proof your pantry or storage area. This article speaks mainly to earthquakes but many of the tips apply to any violent storm. Learn some ways you can protect what you have stored in the article titled below.

Earthquake Proof Food Storage Rooms 


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