Food Storage Calculator

Food Storage Calculator

Food Storage Calculator

Photo/Graphic: gx94radiocom_americanpreppersnetwork

How much food storage is enough? How long before we can become self-sufficient? How much do we need to make it through until then? How do we calculate this before the event actually happens? What if it takes longer than we anticipated to get back on our feet after a SHTF event?

Our friends over at have come up with a food calculator to help us figure this dilemma out! I personally would advise you to assume an additional growing season for self-sufficiency because we can’t know if the disaster, we face could leave standing water, lack of water enough for growing the first year, drive away the hunting game or contaminate the earth, etc… I would also say I would calculate at the very least one additional person. It is likely that your group will grow by at least one!

The calculator can be a great addition to your knowledge base giving you an estimate to help with your preps. Check it out at the link below

Food Storage Calculator


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