Foods that Need to be Repackaged Prior to Long Term Storage

Foods that Need to be Repackaged Prior to Long Term Storage

Foods that Need to be Repackaged Prior to Long Term Storage

Photos: pinterest-toponedrycom-yankeecontainers

Everyone knows the whys of food storage. We know we will need these stored goods one day, whether it’s due to a lack of funds, an illness that keeps us from moving about while ill,  a disaster that interferes with supply lines, civil unrest that behooves us to stay put at least temporarily, or a major economic collapse that limits the availability of supplies.

Once you understand the whys, you can choose the what and the how. Most of us store grains and cereals of one kind or another, but there are other products that you might want to store that will require repackaging to insure that they are usable when the time comes. The last thing you want is to go use these goods only to find them inedible for any reason.

Our favorite survival mom tells us how she prepares items that need to be re-packaged prior to long term storage and which methods work best for different items. Pick up on those tips at the featured link below

20 + Foods that must be re-packaged for long-term storage and how to repackage them


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