Urban Vs Rural After SHTF

Urban Vs Rural After SHTF

Urban Vs Rural After SHTF

Photos: sirvamortgage

If you live in the city should you stay put or head out to a woodland area after a SHTF event? What about if you live in a rural area, should you bug out to the city where there are more people and a better likelihood of finding help? If you are an urbanite and your home becomes unsafe, better to leave the city and attempt to build a shelter yourself or find another in the town that you are familiar with? If the SHTF event collapses society is your bug out plan and location safe for many years or only intended for short term survival?

The city has its advantages. There are more people there that could be a help. There are already buildings you can stay in and many of the people will have evacuated. Cities will be the first to receive aid.

Rural areas though also have many advantages over being in the city. There’s more food available for hunting and foraging. There’s less likelihood of marauders and looters. The people you do run across in rural areas may have better skills at surviving without outside help than those you might meet in the cities.

This article breaks it down for you and not only gives you some guidance, it has many suggested books that will help you decide what would be best for you and what you can do do if it happens.Check it out in the link below

If SHTF, Should You Head For The City Or Country?

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Urban Vs Rural After SHTF

Photos from sirvamortgage.com