Know How to Drive a Manual Transmission in an Emergency

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Know How to Drive a Manual Transmission in an Emergency

 Know How to Drive a Manual Transmission in an Emergency

Photo: kingstransmission

I am continually dismayed at the number of young people now days that have no clue how to drive a vehicle with a manual transmission!

I agree that it is easier in traffic especially in an unknown location to be driving an automatic transmission. But everyone who drives should know how to drive a manual transmission as well! It gives a better understanding of how the vehicle works and in an emergency scenario you may have to drive whatever vehicle is available to you or your group. If that vehicle happens to be a manual transmission you could be left hurking and jerking down the road! which could seriously hamper your bug out and definitely draw attention to you and or your group!

So at least have an idea of how to use a manual transmission and perhaps a set of instructions like the ones featured below as a reminder if you haven’t done so for some time and your mind may be a bit rattled due to the situation.

How to Drive Manual

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