6 Instant Meals | Just Add Boiling Water

6 Instant Meals | Just Add Boiling Water

Photo: the yummy life

Quick meals when your on the go, or life saving meals if you’re bugging out. Easy to carry, easy to put together, easy to prepare, and keep for years.

Whether you’re hiking, camping, hunting or bugging out these meals are an awesome addition to your backpack. Add boiling water and you have a wholesome homemade meal on the go. You know what the ingredients are, when and where they were prepared and that you actually like the meal.

The featured link below from The Yummy life provides you with the recipes and instructions for the 6 meals pictured above. While you’re there, think about what other meals you may already have the recipes for that you could prepare this way.

6 Instant Meals-On-The-Go| Just Add Boiling Water


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