MIY Crock Pot Soap

MIY Crock Pot Soap

MIY Crock Pot Soap

Photo from Hearts Hands Home

As a teenager I began making homemade soap as a neat little gift for friends and family. Even back then I realized the benefits or all natural products and understood the value of handmade goods. I liked the idea of producing something unique and different from the store bought and mass produced. Manufactured soaps contain a lot of unnecessary fillers that add to the consist appearance of the product but aren’t necessary and only serve to increase the bottom line profit for the maker. Learning an old school skill like soap making is not only fun but allows you to decide what you put on your body and to tailor the product to your specific needs. Making it in a crock pot doesn’t take from it’s unique personality but does make the process easier! Receiving a gift especially made for me is still something that makes me feel special!

Someday we may find ourselves living in a world where mass produced products aren’t available to all of us anymore. A skill like soap making will become a useful tool for survival. Hygiene will always be a human need and soap will always be a necessity. A crock pot may also not be available in a long term situation where power could also become a luxury but this process and recipe isn’t difficult to convert to use any heat source. Get the recipe and see the process at the link below

The Secret to Making Soap in a Slow Cooker


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