MIY Hunger Games Inspired Bow

MIY Hunger Games Inspired Bow

 MIY Hunger Games Inspired Bow

Photo: movieroomreviews_com

Many folks will become bow hunters by necessity if there is a serious SHTF event. Ammunition will become hard to come by and if you only have a handgun, you may choose to save that limited ammo for purposes of self defense.

Even if you currently own a bow, knowing how to make one will be an important skill for a couple of reasons. First a back up, although sturdy they can break. There may be more than one hunter in your group and only one bow. You may be separated from your bow by the SHTF event. And they could make an excellent barter item in a long term event.

This particular bow is fashioned after the bow used in the Hunger Games Movie! See how it is done in the videos below. The last video shows the bow in use.


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