MIY Hand Sanitizer

MIY Hand Sanitizer

MIY Hand Sanitizer

Photo: shippingschool

With the current climate of preparedness one item that has flown off the shelves is hand sanitizer. So much so that many locations are out of stock or rationing their remaining stock. As one of the best defenses against getting ill, it is an important prep.

While it may be hard to obtain this stage of the game, the ingredients however are still available to make it yourself! Not just for times of pandemics or epidemics but a good recipe to have for any crisis scenario,

See the recipe I use below:

Hand Sanitizer

1/3 Cup of Aloe gel

2/3 Cup of Rubbing alcohol

10 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional, primarily for a nice scent)

Mix ingredients well and scoop into contain of choice and it’s ready to use.


Get your ingredients before they also sell out!  Stay well everyone.


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