Save Yourself from Drowning

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 Save Yourself from Drowning

 Save Yourself from Drowning

Photo: bertblondeel-2010

This is a subject that has recently become near and dear to me. This summer my son who is a certified lifeguard assisted in a rescue where the parents were attempting to save their 10 year old son and all three ended up fighting for their lives. In that case because my son and his friends were able to intervene and the family all reached shore safely. However that is not always the case. The next event that brought this issue to my personal attention was the drowning of an acquaintance while he was successfully attempting to save his struggling 9 year old son. You can read Benjamin’s story here >> News brief: Toledo dad drowns saving 9-year-old on Toutle River

Even if you can swim in cases such as Benjamin’s you can still drown if you don’t know what to do to save yourself. If you are able to stay calm and follow the instructions provided in the featured link, you can survive.

What do you do if you are drowning?

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