Mass Shooters: Who Were They Really? Could They have Been Stopped?

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Mass Shooters: Who Were They Really?

Could They have Been Stopped?

 Mass Shooters: Who Were They Really?

Photo: businessinsider

Across the world we have seen an increase in mass shooting murders. Most of the time we are told by Media reports that these shooters, these killers of the innocent had terrorist ties or a personal vendetta against the particular group victimized.

After that we hear about the pros and cons of gun control, opening or closing a countries borders, and heightened security like metal detectors etc..  Rarely do we learn much about who they really were, what was it in them, their backgrounds, or their intentions that would drive them to commit such horrendous acts of violence.

These killings have taken place at schools, night clubs, public events, private events, in public places, and in places where guns are allowed and where the law prohibits gun ownership at all. They have been carried out by immigrants and nationals, by the religious and non-believers and by those with and without criminal backgrounds.

Who were they? Not their names but their personalities. What do or did they have in common? What was radically different about them from the rest of the population? What should we as people look out for? Are there indeed warning signs that we have ignored? Could a parent, neighbor, spouse, or friend have picked up on their intentions? Most importantly could we or anyone have stopped them before the tragedy occurred? This information could be life saving in today’s world and even more so in a post SHTF world, when trust will be difficult enough! Author David Wong of Cracked had the same questions and went on a quest to find out. Read his research on the most recent mass shooters at the featured link below

The Baffling Stories Behind Our Epidemic Of Mass Killers

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