Why Another Great Depression Will Be Very Different

Why Another Great Depression Will Be Very Different

Why Another Great Depression Will Be Very Different


Many of my generation know the stories of our parents and grandparents who lived through the great depression in the USA. I am no different, but my parents and grandparents had very different stories I was raised prepping because of those stories and the scars they left upon my parents.

My dad’s family was well educated. His mother a nurse and his father a banker. Once the bank closed as so many did during that time. My grandmother was able to continue her job as a nurse. It was just enough to keep the two of them going as she ministered to the rural townsfolk in barter while he searched for work and the children were sent “home” to a small but productive farm owned by my great-grandfather in Canada where the economy wasn’t fairing much better but as an active farm family they had enough to eat. My father’s memories of the great depression were those of a young boy who just wanted to go home again.

My mother didn’t fare as well. Born in the city she and her sister were taken from their mother. Her memories of that time are of extreme poverty in an overflowing state orphanage. She well remembers the hunger and the rapidly deteriorating facilities.

I fear that another generation’s memories of another depression and economic collapse will resemble more closely my mother’s rather than my father’s. See 16 reasons why Backdoor Survival also feels the idea of another depression will have a very different feel and effect than the last one did. Perhaps by understanding the differences we can prepare better for the probable possibility of a repeat. It is linked below

16 Reasons Why a Second Great Depression Will Be Different


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