25 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Think You Want the Simple Life

25 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Think You Want the Simple Life


25 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Think You Want the Simple Life

Photo: simple-living


If you have been feeling overwhelmed with daily life and all the outside assaults on your peace of mind from the media, your job, social media, your family and friends, even the traffic, the simple life may sound like the answer to save your sanity from the insanity around us. More people than ever are giving the return to basics lifestyle a try or are thinking about doing so.

The idea of a tiny house, your own homestead and self-sustainability can seem like the answer to it all. However, sitting in your climate-controlled environment, with your cell phone in hand, while having immediate easy access to entertainment, clean running water (Unless you happen to be in Flint Michigan or currently in Mississippi), and food stored safely in your electric refrigerator that heats quickly in your microwave can make the grass is always greener off grid side of life appear very appealing. The fact of the matter though is that the simple life isn’t always the most comfortable side of life.

So, before you jump off the 21st century merry go round and dive into an off grid living situation. Ask yourself and discuss the questions below from SHTF Preparedness honestly with your significant other and/or your immediate family to determine if it really is what you want and if it really is achievable for you at this time in your life.


What is a simple life?
What do you want from a simple life?
What are you willing to give up?
What can’t you live without?
Do you like spending time with family and friends?
What are your short-term goals in terms of living a simple life?
What about your long-term goals?
Do you have any skills that pertain self-sufficiency
Have you created a budget?
Can you manipulate that budget?
Are you willing to move away from modern amenities?
Are you desperate for a change?
Do you love the life you have now?
Does your family share your beliefs?
Are you ready to minimize things?
Do you like being alone?
Are you tired of rushing?
Are you ready for some peace and quiet?
What drives you towards this lifestyle change?
Are you motivated?
Would you leave your job?
Are you scared of change?
Are you scared of risk?
Do you mind being dirty?
Can you stay organized?

If you are considering something as big as a lifestyle change you should sit down and really think these through.


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