Best Bug Out Vehicles

Best Bug Out Vehicles

Best Bug Out Vehicles


Everyone has their own ideas on what makes a good bug out vehicle. My own dream Bug out vehicle (BOV) would include: Off road capabilities (road ways will be packed and dangerous) great on fuel (one of the first supplies to go will be fuel and fueling stations will be overloaded and therefor dangerous). Have an auxiliary tank (again for fueling reasons). Be tough enough to withstand weather conditions and adverse terrain. Be large enough to comfortably fit my entire family and their gear. I would like if it was bullet proof both in body and windows, and have a good heater/air conditioning unit depending on the current weather so we would not have to roll down windows  or freeze inside. Have a the ability to convert to bug out shelter. Yet be agile enough to dodge people and debris and inconspicuous enough to avoid drawing attention  It would be its own faraday cage, and be infrared and radar invisible!  Oh and I also want to be able to drive it in today’s world on today’s roads as well. Yeah, I know no such vehicle exists (though I have seen a couple that come close).If I were to take my requests to an engineer he/she would probably call the men in white coats. But if they attempted such a feat, the cost would be astronomical!

So what can we practically hope for in a bug out vehicle? Are there vehicles that hit enough of our want and needs lists to be the one? Check out what realistic vehicles Survival Sullivan recommends at our featured linked below

The Best Bug Out Vehicle for YOU! 


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 Best Bug Out Vehicles
