BOB Maintenance

BOB Maintenance

 BOB Maintenance

Photo: 4_seasons_by_vxside

As the seasons and the world changes so should your bug out bag. Batteries need to be checked, charged, and replaced. Clothing and footwear need to be updated, sized and seasonally appropriate for your area.

What you could be facing will change as the world does. It wasn’t too long ago that worrying about water here in the USA wasn’t our biggest concern, now we have had several areas affected by tainted water supplies in areas we would previously have almost taken for granted were good. I myself added to my water supplies a water test kit. I was and still am prepared for a lack of water but wasn’t as concerned about once I found water that I wouldn’t be able to trust the usual sources.

As you age your ability to carry your BOB will also change. Younger children will be able to carry more than last year, and you may be unable to comfortably carry what you could just last year. Medications need to be rotated and updated, etc… see other tips on doing BOB maintenance at the link.

Bug Out Bag Maintenance…


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