Category: MIY

MIY Potted Meat: FAQs & Recipe

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Potted Meat: FAQs & Recipe (2 links) Now days when I hear potted meat I think spam or corned beef. Neither make my taste buds tingle. Although either are decent choices for stockpiling if your palate enjoys them. I do have a couple of recipes in my repertoire that call …

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MIY Toothpaste 3 Recipes

MIY Toothpaste 3 Recipes

MIY Toothpaste 3 Recipes Oral hygiene is so much more important than people realize. Infected teeth can negatively effect your heart and throat. Bad teeth hurt and interfere with your nutrition and your sleep both leave you venerable to other illnesses. This will be especially important post SHTF when medical and dental care will be …

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Russian Tea Recipes For Colds & Flu

Russian Tea Recipes For Colds & Flu

Russian Tea Recipes For Colds & Flu Today I have two recipes for you. There are literally dozens of recipes for Russian tea. These two are my personal favorites. Both are excellent for colds and flu, I am not a doctor, of course so I can’t tell you with scientific facts or certainty that either …

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MIY SHTF Penicillin

MIY SHTF Penicillin

MIY SHTF Penicillin A generation or two ago people died from simple small wounds that became infected. Many more died from STD’s that went untreated until the advent of penicillin. Now these deaths are quite rare and the infections have to be much worse to cause death. In any major SHTF event the basic necessary …

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Homemade Cough Syrup That Reduces Phlegm

Homemade Cough Syrup That Reduces Phlegm Carrots tend to get under-rated in the area of health benefits. I can attest to the fact that in many European countries carrot juice is one of the first juices introduced to babies for skin health. I remember myself as a child being told carrots would assist my eye …

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MIY: Eggshell Calcium

MIY: Eggshell Calcium

MIY: Eggshell Calcium Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Many people, especially those who aren’t fans of dairy products, don’t get enough in their daily diets. This is especially true for women who as they age need more calcium than do their male counterparts. Perhaps you don’t want to take a mass produced …

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Bizarre Home Remedies – That Our Grandparents Swear Actually Work

Bizarre Home Remedies That Our Grandparents Swear Actually  Work! When my oldest child was a baby she developed a medical issue that we spent a bundle trying to cure. A friend’s baby also had the same condition. After the second round of doctoring, my mother in law suggested an old home remedy. Frankly not only …

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MIY Mustard

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Mustard Nothing is better on some food stuff than mustard! I can’t imagine eating a wurst (German sausage) of any variety without it! And what is a good old American hot dog without ketchup and mustard? Or a soft pretzel? You can and I have spent a small …

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MIY Migraine Busting Herbal Tincture

Some posts may contain affiliate links. MIY Migraine Busting Herbal Tincture If you have ever had a migraine anything that might even remotely help is welcomed! I have not had one for many years and am grateful for the lack of recurrence. For those of you who suffer from them on a regular basis you …

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Dandelion Pancake Recipes

Dandelion Pancake Recipes The dandelion that I once considered a scourge on my lawn are quickly becoming one of my favorite ingredients! Easy to cook and bake with, easy to locate, forage, self-sustaining, and nutritious, You can’t beat it for frugal eating. We have offered a number of dandelion recipes over the years, here are a few of …

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