MIY Migraine Busting Herbal Tincture

MIY Migraine Busting Herbal Tincture

 MIY Migraine Busting Herbal Tincture

Photo: motherearthliving.com

If you have ever had a migraine anything that might even remotely help is welcomed! I have not had one for many years and am grateful for the lack of recurrence. For those of you who suffer from them on a regular basis you have my sympathy.

We know with all medications both pharmaceuticals and herbal that the effects can be totally different for each individual. The causes of the condition can also vary by individual. Never take a natural supplement or remedy without clearing it with your doctor because it can vary so greatly and could cause interactions with medications you already take.

If your doctor has not been able to assist you in easing them and doesn’t feel you would have an adverse reaction, this tincture could be possibly life changing for you. See the instructions and recipe linked below

How to Treat Migraines with an Herbal Tincture at Home

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