Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms

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Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms

Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms


Foraging is one way to add to your food supply today without increasing the grocery bill. Mushrooms are a favorite of skilled foragers all over the world. Chicken of the woods mushrooms are among the top finds for any mushroom hunter.

Although I disagree that they taste like chicken, they are indeed a tasty mushroom to use in a variety of dishes and can be used as a meat substitute in a number of recipes that call for chicken.

Whenever you forage make sure you do so safely. This is especially important when it comes to mushrooms. Although the Chicken of the woods mushroom is easy to identify and for the most part a very safe choice. It has been known to cause an allergic reaction in some people. Always try a very small amount at least a day or more before actually eating any amount of consequence.

Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms — the Complete Guide


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