Stepping Over the Legal Line When SHTF

Stepping Over the Legal Line When SHTF

Stepping Over the Legal Line When SHTF


During a SHTF event we will all be called upon to make choices and decisions we are not accustomed to considering. Depending upon the depth and length of the event the rules that can or can’t be broken without repercussion later and the extent of the consequence. I seriously doubt that anyone running from a super storm at the last moment will be stopped for speeding. But what about breaking into a closed home for shelter?

There are also moral and social norms to be considered and breaking those rules could have greater consequence to the individual than breaking a state or federal law during chaos.

How far over the line are you willing to go and what rules will you break to make it during a crisis?

For additional information on the subject continue at the featured link below from Survivopedia

How To (Legally) Break The Rules When SHTF


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