Is the World vulnerable to biological terrorism?

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Is the World vulnerable to biological terrorism?

Could Highly infectious Diseases be Weaponized?


Planes are already an uncomfortable place to be. We are not in control of the vehicle, they tend to be crammed full making them claustrophobic locations, and we can’t control who travels with us either.

Could these factors make air travel the perfect mode of attack not just with the weaponizing of the plane itself as we saw with 9/11, but as a breeding and disbursement source for highly infectious diseases? Whether by slack controls or intentional design by terrorists, this is a method of attack we must consider. There are people out there, who so want to do harm to our way of life and our citizens that they are willing to strap a bomb to themselves to take others with them. What is to stop them from sending themselves or others infected with deadly viruses into our mist via a simple airplane ride? The weapon being the infected person who may or may not even know they are infected and being used in this manner.

COVID-19 has shown U.S., U.K. are vulnerable to biological terrorism, experts say


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