Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories

Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories

Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories

Photo graphic: republic broadcasting

In every crisis scenario conspiracy theories crop up. Some are utterly ridiculous, while others make you go “hmmm”. Mostly they are made of bits of truth mixed with the ideology of the teller, but there are those that appear to come right out of the blue. It’s hard to know what to believe and what not to so we all must make our own choices based on our own best judgement and education.

So why do they crop up in the first place?

Karen M. Douglas, a social psychologist who studies belief in conspiracies at the University of Kent in Britain says

Rumors and patently unbelievable claims are spread by everyday people whose critical faculties have simply been overwhelmed, psychologists say, by feelings of confusion and helplessness.

But many false claims are also being promoted by governments looking to hide their failures, partisan actors seeking political benefit, and run-of-the-mill scammers .

This growing ecosystem of misinformation and public distrust has led the World Health Organization to warn of an “infodemic.”

What are the current conspiracy theories floating around surrounding Covid-19? In the links below you will see some of them… there are others that I have heard that aren’t included in these articles. Are they hidden truths or grasping at straws for a controllable explanation? Check them out and make your own decision.

 Coronavirus Is Spreading — And So Are the Hoaxes and Conspiracy Theories Around It 

Conspiracy theories on COVID 19: Legislators, Scientists, and Journalists all joined the Caravan

Anti-Vax Doctor Promotes Conspiracy Theory That Death Certificates Falsely Cite COVID-19


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