DIY Cinder Block Offset Smoker

DIY Cinder Block Offset Smoker

DIY Cinder Block Offset Smoker

Photo: jason_5hundy

Who doesn’t love smoked meats?? This kind of smoker project is great in today’s world and can be a literal life saver in a post SHTF world. Smoked meats are tasty any time and a frugal way to preserve meat any time.

But after a major or a minor SHTF event they can make or break your survival efforts. If you experience a minor event that knocks your power out for a few days to a few weeks, smoking the meats you have in your defrosting freezer could save you hundreds of dollars in food that would have had to have been disposed of if not taken care of asap. It may be enough to get you through the period of time your supply chain is down as well.

In a major event, it could mean the difference between feasting and fasting. If you are fortunate enough to bag a deer or other larger prey. It can be more than is feasible to eat at once, especially if you are a small group or an average sized family. Smoking the meat can preserve it for the weeks or months when you are either unlucky on the hunt, unable to hunt due to dangerous activity around you or in an area where game is scarce during months of the year.

See how to build your own from new or recycled cider blocks from Jason at Instructables linked below

Cinder Block (CMU) Offset Smoker

Other DIY smoker designs:


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