DIY Dog’s Backpack/Bug Out Bag

DIY Dog’s Backpack/Bug Out Bag

DIY Dog's Backpack/Bug Out Bag

Photo: Mother Nature News

The majority of pet owners take their pets with them on hiking or camping trips and definitely plan to take them with them if they have to bug out. But we already have enough to carry when dealing with supplies for ourselves and even in some cases small children. Like any other capable  group member the dog has to carry it’s own backpack and supplies.

Many pet owners find that dog supplies are expensive and not always just right for their pet. This can include their backpack. Mother Nature News has come up with a pattern for making one yourself for your pet.

See the pattern, material list and instructions at the featured link below

Sew Your Own Dog Pack

If like me you’re not handy with a needle and thread or don’t own a sewing machine. You may want to check out these ready made backpacks. It doesn’t matter if it is hand sewn or purchased as long as your family pet is as prepared as the rest of your family!

BTW I am inept with the sewing machine and my own dog’s backpack is the first ready made pack pictured. He carries it fully loaded like a trooper without balking nor rubbing issues. But always make sure no matter where you get your pet’s pack that you consider weight of the pack vs the pet just as you do your own as they will be carrying it just as far as you will be carrying yours.



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