DIY Undercover in Wall Gun Cabinet With Hidden Lock

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DIY Undercover in Wall Gun Cabinet With Hidden Lock

 DIY Undercover in Wall Gun Cabinet With Hidden Lock

Photos: gadgetman

Gun safety has always been important. But now more than ever in the history of this country we need to understand that gun safety can and does mean more than teaching everyone in your household where a gun is kept to safely use it. Guns must be in a secured location especially if you have children of any age in your home.  Never mind keeping them out of the hands of common thieves that would steal them for use in other crimes or to sell to those who would miss use them.

Building in your own hidden locking gun safe could be the answer for you! See the step-by-step instructions from Gadget Man at Instructables who built the one pictured at the link below

Hidden in Wall Gun Cabinet With Hidden Keypad


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