Foraging Mullein

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Foraging Mullein

 Foraging Mullein

photo: lichenwood.typepad

I don’t know about the rest of you and I would never assume to speak for anyone other than myself, but I often wonder if we all adjusted our ideas on food if there would not then be enough for everyone. Even in the richest of western nations there are hungry children going to bed at night with empty stomachs. If we made better use of the resources that mother nature has provided this could perhaps cease to be an issue. Dandelions (see), purslane (see), hosta (see), cattails (see) and the subject of this post, mullein are just a few of the edible plants that society doesn’t seem to recognize the value of! They are all relatively easy to grow, harvest and use. Most grow wild and are considered weeds. Learn about safe foraging and increase your nutritional intake while lowering your grocery bill! See the information of foraging mullein at the link below from Grow Forage Cook

Foraging for Mullein

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