How Your local Grocer is Told to Prepare for Disaster

How Your local Grocer is Told to Prepare for Disaster

How Your local Grocer is Told to Prepare for Disaster



At first, I thought this article was going to be about how your local grocer was being told to handle us the consumers. But it’s not. It’s how they should react to a disaster to best help their employees and then their business from the fall out of a disaster. So why I decided to share it with you, was because it doesn’t tell them what to do about the desperate consumer! I would have thought that would be a high priority.

There is small business plan that has been given to smaller retail grocers. But it mentions the consumer in passing as someone to be evacuated. This assumes that the emergency is contained at the location. Is it any wonder that in regionalized disasters the local grocery stores are completely overrun and overwhelmed? See that linked below from Chron.

How to Prepare a Grocery Store for Emergencies

Does your local grocery store have an emergency plan for dealing with consumers? Will they close up shop leaving the store to the looters or attempt to continue to distribute as long as possible? Using what as currency? Something to think about as you prepare and while building your stockpile. We sometimes talk about what you would get and if a last minute run to the local market is of value as an emergency commences. The answers to those questions probably should be included in our plans.


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