Long Term Storage Opened 30 years later

Long Term Storage Opened 30 years later

Long Term Storage Opened 30 years later

Photo: preparednessadvice.com

Who hasn’t wondered if they purchased long term storage products if they would actually be usable when the time came? I know I did.

I purchased some long term storage items from a company that no longer exists over 10 yrs ago. I decided to try them out and make use of them as newer and improved products came onto the market. I held my breath and opened a couple of cans of items I wanted use. I was thrilled to find they appeared to be as fresh and good as if they had just been processed. My family didn’t even realize they were from our stockpile. My only complaint is that when I replaced them I had to use a different company due to the demise of the previous one.

Now 10 years is a long time, but a drop in time compared to 30+. The items I used were basic storage items. Onions, milk, cocoa, asparagus, bacon protein, corn, and garlic if I recall them all correctly. What about older products and different brands?

Some answers to that question from Preparedness Advice linked below who opened found cans of long term storage 30 yrs after they were first produced.

Long-term Food Storage, 30 year Old Cans I Opened Today


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