15 Down to Earth Methods for remaining unscathed during a Riot

15 Down to Earth Methods for remaining unscathed during a Riot

15 Down to Earth Methods for remaining unscathed during a Riot

Photo: washingtonpost.com

We watched what happened in Venezuela in horror on our televisions and smart devices and are thankful that it hasn’t happened here.  The situation in Venezuela was an extreme example of what happens in an economic collapse. There were people rioting over their country’s leadership, for food supplies, and out of last resort desperation. But in the past few years we have seen riots all over the world about things like taxes and statues. People died in those altercations both here and abroad.

We are in a place in our own country where differences are dividing us. I think it’s said well by the following quote.

SHTF Preparedness and homesteading

Quote: SHTF Preparedness and homesteading

There are just too many people who believe they have been wronged and this will eventually cause an explosion between the factions.

If at all avoidable you want to prevent yourself and your loved ones from being caught up in the resulting chaos. There are steps you can take now, as preventative measures. Listen to the news, both that which you agree with and that you don’t. Both will assist you in taking a pressure reading on both sides of an issue. Include your local newscasts. You want to know who is protesting what and where. It could save you from driving innocently into the mist of a crisis clash that you could have avoided. Peaceful protests can boil over and become an out-of-control mob scene in the blink of an eye. It only takes one person to push a crowd into a frenzy.

As we stride through the next few years, we will see more division here in the USA building toward the elections. Prepare for the unrest that is certain to arise. The linked article below provides advice on avoiding becoming caught in and how to get safely out of these scenarios.

15 Down to Earth Tips for Surviving a Riot

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