MIY All Natural Vapor Rub

MIY All Natural Vapor Rub

MIY All Natural Vapor Rub

Photo: good ideas and tips

I am a fan of whenever possible insuring that anything that goes into or on my body being natural. These day everything seems to be full of chemicals and ingredients whose names I can’t even pronounce!

However, when I am sick, I want comfort immediately. As a child I recall my mama loading up the humidifier with vapor rub when ever any of us had a bad cold or breathing issues of any sort. At the first sign of symptoms she would rub vaper rub on our chests and tuck us in warmly in bed. Not long after we would be once again be breathing freely and feeling better.  That smell still brings relief to my achy head and congested chest. But now I can insure it is all natural by making it myself.

You can too, see how at the link below

All Natural Vapor Rub with Essential Oils

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