The Best Medications To Include In A Well-Stocked Prepper Pharmacy

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The Best Medications To Include In A Well-Stocked Prepper Pharmacy

The Best Medications To Include In A Well-Stocked Prepper Pharmacy

Photo: survivaldan101

Almost everyone prepping or not has a small home pharmacy. Perhaps the cough syrup from the fall before when you had that irritating cough, aspirin for your infrequent headaches, or even a few pills left over from your last prescription. However if you are smart you have a bit more stashed away in case of an emergency, no one wants to run to the drug store in the middle of the night when they or a family member is feeling ill.

This isn’t the type of home pharmacy we are talking about in this post. What we are discussing today is a more extensive stockpile for a time when medical attention and or the drug store isn’t available not just for the night but for an extended period of time. Of course it should include any medication or medical item that you know you use on a regular basis and more. However, just because you haven’t had an issue in the past with a particular medical issue doesn’t mean that you won’t in the future or under hardship conditions. Just an example would be that you may not have a reason to have a medical mask right now, but after an earthquake or during and after a fire? Or as we learned during Covid during an outbreak! You would definitely want them then.

What other items are recommended for stockpile?

Prepper Home Pharmacy: The Best Medications to Stockpile


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