MIY Cream of Chicken Soup Mix

MIY Cream of Chicken Soup Mix

MIY Cream of Chicken Soup

Photo: Rachel Paxton

An awesome recipe for those who are busy parents or professionals. Cream of “something” soup is used in so many quick and easy meals. The baby is crying, your teen is in angst, or after a long day at work nothing is better than comfort food or easy nutrition in the form of a meal that you can throw together. Stick it in the oven or on the top of the stove while you deal with your aching feet and head or the immediate needs of your family.

It is a total downer when you run to the cupboard to grab a can of soup to put together this meal and you’re out! Never mind the unknown factors in using the canned version (just what are some of those unpronounceable ingredients?). Never wonder again just what is in your soup ingredient or need to run to the store at the last minute again. MIY cream of “something” soup and keep it on hand for those need an easy meal day.

This particular recipe is for cream of chicken but there are lots of MIY recipes for almost every common sauce, soup, or dressing this is just one of them. Once you have made your own and used it a few times you will find you are hooked! I personally will never buy prepackaged ranch anything again! When you MIY you get to choose the strength and the particular flavoring preferred by your own or family’s unique tastes. They are also less costly per serving!

These kinds of MIY recipes are also a great storage idea for preppers as well. Most are just add water and go recipes and store for years without concern of spoilage and take up less space per serving than do the canned versions. We will get you started with your MIY ingredients with the article below

Homemade Cream of Chicken Soup Mix

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