1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs


1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs

 1,000 Year Old Remedy Fights Antibiotic Resistant Bugs

Photo: science alert

The featured article speaks to an old eye salve that is said to actually work wonders on infections like MRSA which are usually antibiotic resistant.  Researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK found the remedy in a 9th century they were translating in hopes of finding an old method of taking on a new medical issue.

It is a well-known fact that the overuse of pharmaceutical antibiotics has created the issues of both people becoming less effectively treated by antibiotics and the mutations of today’s bugs to resist treatment via traditional antibiotics. Many of today’s modern medications are either the synthetic versions of old remedies or based upon the combination of substances that created the remedy. Today they are mass produced in pill, salve, or liquid form for use.

We never recommend that you replace your doctor’s advice or prescribed medications with a natural remedy without careful research and discussion with your physician.

To learn more about this old remedy and the research on it continue at the link below

1,000-year-old onion and garlic remedy kills antibiotic-resistant bugs


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