Natural Painkiller Similar to Morphine in Your Backyard

Natural Painkiller Similar to Morphine in Your Backyard

 Natural Painkiller Similar to Morphine in Your Backyard


Post SHTF when there may not be accessibility to much needed medication this knowledge will be invaluable. What you need could be as close as your backyard. For Post SHTF only! Even then it is a remedy that I recommend you not use without professional medical advice and supervision! Even though it isn’t an actual narcotic it does affect the same receptors in your brain as does opiates and can cause serious damage if miss used like any other painkiller.

Learn about another plant-based treatment that could be useful in a disaster scenario at the featured link below from Ask A Prepper

Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard


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