Prepping a Wild Medicine Cabinet

Prepping a Wild Medicine Cabinet

Prepping a Wild Medicine Cabinet


Now is a great time to learn about and stockpile natural medicine for a time when traditional western medication might not be available. Always check with your doctor before using any natural remedy to insure there isn’t a known interaction with medication you take or an allergy to the ingredients. Remember these are the basis for many modern day medications and are equally as dangerous if miss used.

Native Americans have used these naturally occurring medicines for at least a thousand years and know the effects of each separately and combined. You should start off slowly and learn about each thoroughly prior to use and prior to the need to create your own remedies due to emergency.

Start with the basics and those easily obtained in your region. The following are the most common.


Not only smells wonderful and can be useful in relieving stress, but is a great ingredient for salves and tinctures for the skin. Helpful with rashes, and bites that itch.


The bark is what I call nature’s aspirin. Because it is part of a tree it is harvestable year around. Understanding it’s uses and how it works is an important part of any natural medicine cabinet. It eases pain and reduces fever.


Helps with healing wounds and is most often used in making a poultice. It’s easily located and makes an awesome natural bandage.


Useful more often in the fall and winter months this berry is wonderful for coughs, colds, and flu. Most often made into a syrup that is easily canned for storage. I wouldn’t attempt a winter without this in the mix of a natural medication cabinet.


Wonderful for calming an upset stomach. As your group will be eating unusual combinations, living in less than sanitary conditions and under stress, stomach issues will rear their ugly heads. A dandelion tonic could be a necessity.


Start with these basics and learn all you can about each plant, it’s effects and side effects. Educating yourself now is the key to feeling better later. With just these few common remedies you can earn your way into a group, have barter ability and generally have better health post SHTF.


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