Shoulder Dislocations Post SHTF

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Shoulder Dislocations Post SHTF

 Shoulder Dislocations Post SHTF


Shoulder dislocations are a painful injury no matter if it is pre or post SHTF. But post disaster event we are going to need all hands on deck and a dislocated shoulder would have to be taken care of ASAP not just to relieve the patients pain but to insure full use later of that arm for the good of the group.

But not having any true idea of how to replace the dislocation other than the tug and pull we see on television isn’t the position either the patient or the medic or you want to be in!

Learn about what exactly a dislocated shoulder is and methods for treating it off grid see the featured link below from our Medical survivalists Doom and Bloom with Doc Alton and nurse Amy

Shoulder Dislocations


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