Using the Entire Pumpkin & Spicing Up Toasted Pumpkin Seed

Spicing Up Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Spicing Up Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Photos from Café Mom and

“Waste not want not” is a saying many of us grew up hearing from our depression era parents and grandparents. I strongly believe in using every part of any creature hunted, fished or trapped as well as any crop grown. I find the pumpkin to be one of the most versatile for feeding my family. It has it’s nutritional value as a cooked vegetable and it has the advantage of being an awesome base for several dessert recipes as well. Who hasn’t at one time or another relished a bit of pumpkin pie?  See the cooked pumpkin nutritional values here

>> Pumpkin, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

Some of us use the shell for decorating purposes for both Thanks Giving and Halloween.

Decorating with pumpkins

Photos courtesy of Bing

However, the healthiest part of the pumpkin is often the most likely to be thrown away. The seeds! See the nutritional value here >>

 Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, without salt 

Toasting with salt and butter is the most traditional but perhaps the lest healthy method of turning the seeds into a nutritional snack. But take heart you can toast them with a variety spices making them not only tastier but healthier. Once prepared if you seal them in an air tight container they can last months for eating! Find featured at the link just below 15 different recipes for toasting the seeds for preservation.

15 New Ways to Spice Up Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


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