Why You Should Stockpile Blankets

Why You Should Stockpile Blankets

Why You Should Stockpile Blankets

Photo from homewholesaledropship.com

Why we have a supply of blankets in our homes is obvious. They keep us warm at night. Our children and sometimes even we have a special one that just feels so good that no matter how ragged it gets we want to hang on to it. So why should we stockpile extra blankets? Keep the old rather tattered ones, that we are afraid the mother-in-law might see in the linen closet?

No matter how cold the climate is where you live, there are only so many blankets you can pile on the bed before feeling smothered. Isn’t having enough good quality blankets to keep our family warm in bed plus a few throws for snuggling up in while reading, watching television or sitting and enjoying a sunset enough? No! There are lots of other uses for keeping those blankets on hand. The Survival Mom gives us 6 additional good reasons to explain why we should keep those excess blankets around at the link below

6 Reasons to Stockpile Blankets


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