Street Protestors and Self Defense from Your Vehicle

Street Protestors and Self Defense from Your Vehicle

Street Protestors and Self Defense

(AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)

Protests are becoming more and more common across the world. Because of this the protestors are becoming bolder and the hapless citizen who inadvertently finds themselves caught in the fray is also becoming more frequent. A terrifying experience for sure. Who among us of a “certain” age can ever forget watching live the horror of what truck driver Reginald Denny endured during the LA riots when he wandered innocently into its path?

However, as protests become more common, the laws surrounding behavior of those both involved and inadvertently involved become more prevalent as well. At what point would your actions be considered self-defense, or an overreaction and seen as criminal? What should you do to defend both your person and your reaction to them in a court of law?

Our featured blog linked below from US Concealed Carry speaks to those issues.

What Should You Do If Protestors Surround Your Car?

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