Survival Uses For Cigarettes

Survival Uses For Cigarettes

 Survival Uses For Cigarettes

Photo: zombease

The beginning of the featured article gives the usual warning that cigarettes are bad for your health. I will be honest with you all and say I do believe many of today’s health issues suffered by smokers are a result of the habit.

However, I also believe that when the medical community doesn’t know what caused the issue, they place the blame on the cigarette rather than saying…”we don’t know why”. I am old enough to remember when every health issue was blamed on drinking sodas and to have family who recalls when every issue was deemed related to drinking of alcohol. Now this doesn’t mean I think any of the above items are good for you so please don’t slam me!! LOL… I just think that there will always be something that becomes a scape goat for the unknown. So, if you smoke, take care and if you don’t good for you! I am not judging either position,

For every negative use of any product there is always the counterweighing positive use! I believe this to be true of almost everything we produce, use, or do! So, it also is apparently with cigarettes! Our friends have put together a list of survival uses for the cigarette. Check it out below

Cigarettes: Deadly Habit or Survival Tool?

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