Natural Relief for Mosquito Bites

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Natural Relief for Mosquito Bites

 Natural Relief for Mosquito Bites

Photo: loscuatroojos

If you live in an area where mosquitos are a problem you can probably relate to the gent pictured above! Mosquitos and other flying insects that bite seem to find me extremely tasty! I will be in a group of people where all of us are bothered by the mosquitos but I am the only one who appears to be feasted on. So when I saw this article I wanted to share it with all the other people who tend to be bait for the biters flying around out there. I like that it is all natural and provides relief quickly. I do not like putting insecticides on my skin to then be absorbed into my system but I like the swelling and itching of the bites even less. So this is an ideal solution!

A Natural Remedy for Mosquito Bites

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