Technology’s Increasing Role in Emergency Management

Technology’s Increasing Role in Emergency Management

Technology's Increasing Role in Emergency Management

Photo: jocelyn augustino / fema

Traditionally other than early warning systems, first responders have been reactive rather than proactive. Technology had grown advanced enough that the exception of fires and earthquakes it’s able to warn us that disaster is on the horizon. This allows us the public to take action to protect ourselves. But until the last couple of years after the disaster all we could do is react.

With systems down first responders did their level best to find the areas in most need of their services and provide them. As technology improves so does the ability of first responders and officials to be proactive after the event and provide us with not only faster response times but a better prepared response for the individual scenario.

Learn more about the advances made and how they could be helpful to you at our featured link below from Government Technology.

Technology Plays an Increasing Role in Emergency Management


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