Why Wasting Food Costs You More than You Think

Why Wasting Food Costs You More than You Think

Why Wasting Food Costs You More than You Think

Photo: foodafactoflife.org.uk

I grew up poverty prepping, so wasting food was not an option! My mother spent her younger years in a state run orphanage during the great depression and later on a small farm. My father was a social worker until he retired then a firefighter. I am still flabbergasted when I see the amount of waste that is produced in other homes.

I have never subscribed to idea of comparing how much you make an hour at work vs how much an item costs to waste as a template for what level of waste is acceptable in your household. I feel still that when I am not at work my hourly dollar value becomes what I can save, reuse, recycle and not waste. However, I hadn’t ever looked at the resources needed to actually produce the food as a part of their price. That is the basis for the featured blog linked below from Code Green. It is a concept that I will keep in mind the next time I need to decide what should be thrown out or not!

Why Not Wasting Food is More Important than You Think


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